Beware of the Deadly Credo Blade!!!

I have a major problem with some Nail Salons. Most people don't know this because they were never educated concerning the Deadly Credo Blade. Here is a little 411 I think you might appreciate.

We have all seen the news reports concerning the cleanliness of the spa chairs, but they have never mentioned the Deadly Credo Blade!! I can almost guess that you let the nail tech scrape your heals & the bottom of your feet with that little amazing tool. Well that amazing little blade can cause you problems you just don't want. It's correct name is the CREDO BLADE and here in the State of Georgia it is very ILLEGAL to use. This blade not only gets rid of dead skin but healthy live skin as well. This is the reason your heals get hard in a few days after you have had your pedicure. The healthy skin has to regenerate over the dead & healthy skin.

For you CSI Fans, you know you can't clean off blood, not even with bleach. So, if the client before you gets cut from the Credo Blade and they use it on you and you get cut that last clients blood is now mixed with yours!!! Don't be the next victim of a bacterial infection because the last customer had Hepatitis C!!!

Basically, your nail tech is LAZY because he or she does not want to work hard and wants to rush you in & out (it's all about the numbers) as quickly as possible. What you don't know is the best way to get your feet smooth and soft is to use a FOOT FILE. It is not expensive, you can buy it from anywhere. The foot file can be disinfected and washed. It's also healthier. So the next time you get a pedicure tell them not to use the Credo Blade. If they try to insist, tell them you will call State Board and the foot file will come out!

Until next time!


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