
When I say Scrubs, I don't mean men! LOL! Just a little humor. I mean hand and body scrubs. Ladies, there is nothing better than clean, soft and smooth skin. When your skin is soft and smooth you feel sexy and pretty. That's why I would recommend a full body sugar scrub. It not only cleanses and exfoliates but it moisturizes as well.

I won't leave my men out. This is unisex, you can still be manly and have soft skin at the same time. Your lady will love you for it. Even if you don't want to venture out to the full body scrub you can still use it on your hands. No one likes rough dry hands. Everyone can benefit from it. Try it and I promise you will make it part of your daily grooming regimen.

Until next time! Kris

Mobile vs. Shop

Mobile vs. Shop! The benefits of being mobile are great. When you call on our mobile company, we come to wherever you are. No fighting the traffic! No wasting gas! Being in the comfort of your home or where you are most relaxed! Quality Services! Plus the biggest advantage, you can go to sleep or just relax right after the service is complete!

In a stand alone shop, first you have to drive there in the traffic! Then you are treated like a number! You get pushed in and out, no time for relaxation. If you are able to get relaxed, your stress level is about to rise driving home in more traffic!

If I had to choose, hands down, MOBILE IS THE WAY TO GO!

Until next time!

MEN! Claws or Feet! Which do you have?

My topic today is geared toward our men! Most men I know want their lady to have pretty feet. He wants them well manicured, no chipped nail polish or rough skin. Well men, WE WANT THE SAME THING FROM YOU! Men, there is no shame in getting a pedicure. As a matter of fact you need them like we need air to breath. You wear sneakers, work boots and those pointed shoes. You need a pedicure. Your nails are growing in different directions and they are different colors and not because you have polish on them. It's called fungus! Your feet are white and peeling. It's called Athlete's Foot. One word LAMISIL! It works, trust or go see a doctor! The heels of your feet can rip a hole in the sheets. Something needs to be done! A simple pedicure will be able to solve all that and your woman won't mind you rubbing her with your feet!!

Yes, it is very masculine to get a pedicure! No one will think of you as less of a man, they will think that you take good care of yourself! Until next time this is Kris!